• If you have email, use social media, or even text on your mobile device, you are a target for phishing. Phishing is an attempt to trick you into divulging personal confidential information a cybercriminal can use to steal money or even your identity. This course will teach you to recognize the hallmark signs of phishing and how to stay safer...
    Zoom - St. Louis Oasis
    Fri, February 23 to February 23 | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Central Time
    Linda Schumacher

  • We all know that as users of technology devices and websites, we are vulnerable to data hacks, scammers, and prolific advertising. Sometimes ads and emails come in so targeted to our personal lives we think someone has read our mind. While there is no way to perfectly guard our privacy and personal data, we CAN do things that tighten our security. This...
    Zoom - St. Louis Oasis
    Fri, March 1 to March 1 | 11:00 AM-01:00 PM Central Time
    Martha Bogart
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